So Upset I Could Spit!

Sep 6, 2004

Damnit! I’m probably one of the biggest fans of MT-Blacklist out there but I’m going to have to be more careful with my left mouse button. A good friend of mine stopped by the other day and left a rather wonderful comment regarding Doom 3. Unfortunately, in my haste to remove my spam from this weekend, I somehow removed his comment as well.

Argh! I’m guessing this has something to do with sneaking into my blacklist. MT-Blacklist always gives you the option to add URLs discovered in comment spam to your blacklist. I normally choose this option, blindly ignoring the list itself. Apparently, this can backfire, leaving innocent links to fend for themselves among correctly incarcerated.

Bummer. If you come by and notice your comment gone (you may know who you are), I apologize. Like everything in life, blame spam.

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