
Apr 18, 2006

You might notice that things are looking a bit different around here. After getting a little bit hamstrung by comment spam and quite annoyed at the mechanisms available to me to deal with it, I recently abandoned Movable Type for WordPress. In other words, the software behind this thing changed. For most folks, this means that things are a little prettier. For me, it means I can spend a little more time blogging and a little less time watching the spam counter grow. All signs point to this being a permanent change.

by | Categories: blogging |

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One Response so far | Have Your Say!

  1. Tina
    April 19th, 2006 at 6:29 am #

    Yeah, much nicer to spend your time approving comments rather than deleting spam. We’ve done the same thing, courtesy of my much more blog software savvy husband.

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