Dirty Deed

Sep 16, 2003

This is what I saw when I arrived home yesterday from work. It resembled the former corner of my house but something wasn’t right. I didn’t remember doing any digging during the night. The cable box has tilted since a plow hit it during the winter months but I didn’t remember deciding to fix it myself. What the hell happened? You can tell I was unhappy; I took pictures.

This morning I got my answer. A Verizon truck was parked on this very corner. Aha, I thought. I have found the culprits of this dirty deed. I took a detour from my normally short jaunt to my car to express my unhappiness. I expected the damage to be fixed. I wanted grass again. Hey, what are those guys doing with the shovels?

I was assured that the mess would be cleaned up. They would level off the ground when they were done. New seed would be planted. The neighbors down the street had service problems and the wires underneath my lawn were the source of the evil. The crew knew they would be back today to finish the job. They didn’t bother to clean up because they were not done. I even got a business card to identify crew leader.

Explanation accepted.


This is what I saw when I arrived home from work today. Look what they’ve done with the place. It’s not Art Deco but, then again, what is? The Empire State Building you say. We are getting off subject.

My yard has seen better days, even when I forget to mow. The sidewalk is busted up, something I didn’t realize until I saw pieces of it cradled in the grasp of the big yellow machine. A ditch several feet wide and several feet deep hides within my beautiful new red fencing. I saw two guys with shovels when I left. I didn’t expect a backhoe.

I actually found myself wondering if the beer bottles in the bottom of the ditch were dug up artifacts or new additions to my property. There’s something to be said for dedication to the job.

Even so, I hope they come back tomorrow. Maybe I’ll be nicer this time around.

by | Categories: Uncategorized |

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