
Sep 17, 2003

Is anyone else thinking about hurricane Isabel? It’s not like the local news would let us forget. Isabel isn’t the top story right now. It’s the only story. I find it pleasing to get a break from all the death the news at five normally fires at us but sheesh. There’s got to be something else to talk about. Let’s not forget that Jamal Lewis rushed for 295 yards this weekend. Now that’s news.

I’ve always been facinated by storms. Massive storms that look so pretty from space are no exception. Despite the fact that Isabel is weakening, she looks like a doozie. I look forward to pictures and video from the front lines. Run for cover people, unless you are a reporter. In that case, leave the camera on.

It’s still unclear how much the Baltimore area will be affected but, for the moment at least, I’m concerned about my future vacation spot. The wife and I have plans to visit Ocean City in a couple of weeks. I hope it is still there when we arrive.

For some odd reason, I find it comforting that this hurricane is named after my grandmother. She wouldn’t hurt a fly. Would she? Even if she does, I’ll have some stories to tell Cambell. There was this one time when your great-grandmother reshaped the East Coast. Tell your buddies to beat that.

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